Accountingfly’s prices are 25-40% lower than the industry average for Permanent Placements, and our unique freelancer pricing can save you up to 75% per employee. For Permanent Placements, we charge a percentage of the recruit’s first-year salary (or a minimum fee.) For Freelancer Placements, we charge a flat fee based on the recruit’s credentials. See our pricing page for more details.
Yes! Accountingfly’s sole mission is to help employers find the right remote accounting talent!
Sorry, no. We only fill remote accounting jobs, and that singular focus has allowed us to develop an unmatched level of expertise in the industry.
We can’t promise a specific timeline. But our average time to present qualified talent is 30 to 90 days, and we have delivered candidates in as little as two days. We may already have the talent you’re looking for in our database, allowing us to fill your position even faster.
Our success rate for placing candidates who do work out is about 90%—much higher than you’ll find anywhere else. We also offer a replacement guarantee on every candidate we place. We’ll keep working until you find the right fit.
Our Always-On Recruiting service sounds perfect for you. Always-On Recruiting is for firms that want to see top-tier candidates, but do not need to launch a dedicated search and do not want up-front commitment. It’s an ideal option if you want to see great talent with no obligation and no risk. Contact us for more details.
Yes, reach out to us today! We can help you plan for your future needs (and keep our eyes peeled for great candidates in the meantime), which will make your hiring process more efficient and less costly.
Our marketing efforts reach 95% of active accounting job-seekers, and we have access to thousands more that no one else does. All of this is supported by direct sourcing, so we can put the right candidate with the right company.
Job Seekers
- We’ll check whether your profile fits one of our clients’ current openings. If so, we’ll contact you to see if you’re interested!
- We’ll check whether your profile fits all of our current or prior clients (even if they’re not currently searching). If it does, we’ll see if they’d be interested in meeting you. Don’t worry–we won’t share your name or any contact information without your consent.
- Every time we onboard a new client or start a new job search, we’ll check to see if your skills might be a good fit. So even if you don’t hear from us right away, we’ll be working to find you new opportunities!
Nothing and nothing! Our services are completely free for job-seekers, and we don’t add any markup to your hourly or project rates.
Yes! Accountingfly’s mission is to help you find the right remote accounting job, across accounting, tax, audit, bookkeeping, finance, and more!
Sorry, no. We only fill remote accounting jobs.
We’re the fastest in the business, but we can’t promise a specific timeline. Submit your resume and we’ll start looking today.
Yes! Submit your resume and, if you have in-demand skills, we’ll actively market you to employers. We’ll also review your resume against every new job that comes in, so you’ll automatically be considered for future opportunities. And sign up for job alerts to learn about new positions when they become available.
We might be able to find you that great opportunity! One that earns you a higher salary, helps you expand your skills, gives you the chance to go fully remote, etc. Submit your resume and we’ll review your resume for a fit with current client needs and every new job that comes in. And sign up for job alerts to learn about new positions when they become available.