
We’ll find the right fit for your team

Start-to-Finish Recruiting

Have a specific position you need to fill now? Accountingfly will manage your entire hiring process from start to finish. We build and manage your custom marketing campaign, source and screen candidates, and present the most qualified accounting talent for your final interviews.

Why Accountingfly?


Our staff of experts has extensive experience in recruiting, marketing, sourcing, and more. We’re fully focused on filling accounting jobs and nothing else, which has allowed us to develop unique expertise throughout our 10-year track record of excellence. We’ve built a proven process in accounting that has resulted in 91% of our hires staying in their jobs.


Our marketing efforts reach 95% of active accounting job-seekers, and we have access to thousands more that no one else does. All of this is supported by direct sourcing, so we can match the right candidate with the right company.


Accountingfly placements cost 25-40% less than traditional staffing agencies.

Exceptional Service & Commitment

We work with you on both a company and job level to understand your unique set of values and objectives. You will also have a dedicated recruitment team committed to providing exceptional customer service. Reach out today to learn more about us and how Accountingfly can help you.


How Does It Work?

Step 1: Assessment

We work with you and your team to understand your culture, your staffing needs, and your company’s unique value proposition. We use this to craft a custom job posting that is attention-grabbing and SEO-friendly for maximum reach.

Step 2: Sourcing

We leverage our large network of active and passive job seekers to market you and your opportunity. We use all tools available to us, including job boards, our candidate database, direct sourcing resources, marketing channel audiences, and more.

Step 3: Screening

We take our hand-picked candidates and put them through a thorough vetting and screening process to ensure they line up with the values and needs provided during your assessment.

Step 4: Final Interviews

We provide you with a detailed summary of chosen candidates, including screening notes, resumé, questionnaire, and more so that you can perform the final interviews.

Step 5: Ongoing Support & Advice

We view every engagement as an ongoing, collaborative process. Follow-up with us for answers to your questions and solutions to any issues you encounter.

Get Started With A Dedicated Search Today

We strive to build long-term relationships with all our clients. Firms and companies trust us to deliver the right hires to grow their businesses. Our goal is to build this same relationship with you and become your trusted recruiting partner.